Push Notification Issue

Push notifications not working after setting up mattermost
“Notifications cannot be received from this server”
My settings are set to “Use TPNS connect to send notification”…
I don’t see why it is not working

Steps to reproduce
Followed the below guide to install mattermost on my Synology NAS:

Mattermost Team Edition

Mattermost Version: 7.8.1

Database Schema Version: 101

Database: postgres

Expected behavior
I don’t expect push notifications to not work

Observed behavior
Error message:


Hey @bryanyuchen ,

Can you start a shell in your Mattermost application container (using portainer if you have that or docker exec -ti <mattermostcontainerid> and try to run a curl in there to the configured TPNS server in your system console?

You can see the configured TPNS server in your System Console → Environment → Push Notification Server

# docker exec -ti <yourcontainerid> curl https://push.mattermost.com
<html><body>Mattermost Push Proxy</body></html>

curling the URL should show the info text, that you successfully reached the push proxy.
But the error message most likely indicates that push notifications are disabled serverside.


Same setup, also having issues with push and smtp external connections.
I’m able to connect normally via web and native apps.

Hi @zanderisrael and welcome to the Mattermost forums!

Are you able to connect to the push proxy and externel a-mail server from within your container? Can you run the commands and post the output?

It seems like there was an issue with your server, it started working without any changes on my part.

Good to hear that it’s working again for you, it would still be interesting to know what push server you’ve configured in your application to know where I can start looking at.

Thank you Alex.

Using the docker version of mattermost with nginx as the reverse proxy, it seems this setting that you mention was missing/not enabled and was showing the red/warning on mobile app.

System Console → Environment → Push Notification Server

After enabling the above setting in the UI and logging out of my account on my mobile, it then disapeared.

Awesome. Thanks agian.