[Solved] Card properties and description using api

i can’t create or update cards properties like Status and comment using api

Steps to reproduce
How can we reproduce the issue (what version are you using?)

even though am able to create boards and cards using api also card title and icon but
i have been trying with different endpoints but even though sometimes am getting card updated but no change in the ui, and sometimes html body response which means wrong end point api

Observed behavior

i have make it work the status part we ahve to use the ids of the status and value properties

and now am left with the description, or comments may be we just have to use post same as incoming webhooks api ?

Thanks fixed it my self the problem with the whole documentation is in the endpoint url

eg for blocks


for cards


Woot! Glad you were able to get this figured out, zion! Thanks so much for following up with the solution. :raised_hands:t2: