Different properties per card

Hello to all,

I’m having an issue in Boards. Please see the following :slight_smile:

When I create a card in Boards, if I add a new property to it or delete one, it will then add or delete the property to all cards of the board.

Steps to reproduce
Create a card template, make it as default.
Create a card, add a property.
I’m using v8.0.0.

Expected behavior
Normally, the card template is a base for all cards in my opinion. If I create a new card, I should be able to add a new property or delete one without affecting the others cards

Observed behavior
Here is what happening with some screenshots.

  1. Create two cards using a template :

  2. Modify the card Test by adding a checkbox property

  3. The card Test2 is modified as well

  4. When deleting the property from card Test

The popup tells that it will delete the property from all other cards …

Thank you for your help on this :slight_smile:

Hi @alexisf, thanks for bringing this up! It sounds like you might be encountering expected behavior with card properties that are tied to the template. To allow unique properties per card, you might want to explore creating standalone cards instead of using a shared template. Check out this documentation on card properties for more details, and let us know if you have any further questions! :blush: