SOLVED - No system_admin - Can't access system console

This problem is solved.

The issue was that I had a Websocket 403 issue.

I had to change the config.json for AllowCorsFrom to “*”.


I think @bradhowes is absolutely right. I had mm 3.6.2 running and had set
“AllowCorsFrom”: “mydomain.tld”,
and things were working fine.

After an upgrade to mm 4.0.3 I started getting websocket errors which seemed weird so after a couple of hours tinkering with the nginx reverse proxy I simply change above setting to:
“AllowCorsFrom”: “*”,
and everything works again.

So I am not sure if this is a security issue or something like that, but it solves the Websocket 403 issue.

Since the Websocket connection works fine, my user can access the system console again and actually is a system_admin.

So this item is closed.
