I’m using the release 2.0 version of the push-proxy. When I tried to test it by running the curl command suggested in the instruction, I get the below error:
2016/05/08 14:52:17 INFO Loading /matter-push-proxy/config/config-push-proxy.json
2016/05/08 14:52:17 INFO Push proxy server is initializing…
2016/05/08 14:52:17 INFO Server is listening on :8066
2016/05/08 14:52:36 ERROR Failed to send apple push sid=XXXXX did=XXXX err=NO_ERRORS
The NO_ERRORS appears to the coming from the Apple servers which is strange. What ApplePushServer address do you have configured in config-push-proxy.json ? what OS are you running on?
Not too familiar with api.development.push.apple.com Can you try a cmd like openssl s_client -connect gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195 -cert YourSSLCertAndPrivateKey.pem -debug -showcerts -CAfile server-ca-cert.pem to see if you can connect to the apple servers from your push proxy server
Hi, I also tried with gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195, and despite the fact the APN certificate is “Development”, I get an INVALID_TOKEN error, which would seem to mean there is a mismatch… 0_o
OK so it works me now, even though I have this in the mattermost log for each push:
2016/07/04 14:16:04 ERROR Failed to send apple push sid=cwkhfejkhfjkerhfjkerhfjkerhfjkre did=yxverjferhfjerhfjkrehf err=INVALID_TOKEN
APN dev cert and matching URL for apple push server (without password, otherwise it will fail because it cannot unlock it), right 0400 permission on the key file.