Team Logo's /Icon for Team Chat list

Is there any way to display a logo /icon instead of the team names in the team chat list?
When you have the Mattermost GUI, you have on the left column the boxes with the teams you are member of, right next to it the channel list of the current active team and then the current chat channel contents.

The boxes for the team names are so small, that the list is absolutely unreadable.

If you have 3 team channels named

  • Team Alpha
  • Team Beta
  • Team Charlie
    you will see 3 boxes




Only when you hover the mouse over the channel names, you can see the full name of the team chat as a tooltip,

Do I miss something? A solution would be, to be able to choose a logo / icon for the team that will be displayed instead the absolutely useless cropped team name.

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Hi @CmdrMichael,

Thanks for your note.

At the moment, this feature does not exist in Mattermost.

Could we have your help looking at these feature requests which seem similar? You have 10 votes to up-vote the suggestions you would like to.


Let me know if this helps?