The default Windows App font has changed, IDK how to recover the good one


Since a previous update of my Mattermost Windows App, not the last update, but maybe since 2 or 3 months, I’ve found my default app font changed, but it’s not convenient at all. I haven’t changed any parameter, it’s just after an update. I hoped the last release would fix this issue, but I didn’t.

See how the font is not convenient to use the App :

I’ve reinstall the application after deleting the Mattermost directories, but same issue.

Do you have any idea ?
Thanks in advance for your help

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UPDATE : when I open Mattermost on Google Chrome, I have the same issue. On Firefox, no problem, the font is OK !

Is there a link between Google Chrome and the Windows App ?

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I have the same problem. But my font isn’t readable

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I just think the fonts would need to be updated on the console to something is better to read

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Unfortunately updating fonts didn’t help

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