Uncaught type error display_name when trying to open own @mention page


Every client displays an empty page when trying to open the own personal message page.

Steps to reproduce

Server 5.4.0

mattermost.log logs this error:

2018-11-29T16:28:40.192+0100 error web/context.go:60 msg: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘display_name’ of undefined row: 36 col: 80813 stack: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘display_name’ of undefined url: https://chat.MYDOMAIN.COM/static/main.fa162674c13685a8e332.js {“path”: “/api/v4/logs”, “request_id”: “sokg8g9hrif5un9p6zze5et96a”, “ip_addr”: “192.168.40.XXX”, “user_id”: “9gxxiqo94jg98csocz5sssmqbr”, “method”: “POST”, “err_where”: “client”, “http_code”: 0, “err_details”: “”}

Expected behavior

The page with the personal messages is shown

Observed behavior

Empty page with all browsers & desktop app. Works with iPhone app.

Thank you for the report @jprusch,

I wasn’t able to reproduce this just now -

  1. Does this happen every time? Have you tried if refresh or clearing the cache helps?
  2. Does this happen to other users on your server?

Hi Amy,
it happens with all users & all clients except the mobile IOS app. Cache has been cleared / wasn’t filled because my test with Edge was done without using Mattermost before.

Hi @jprusch,

I have been asking our team about this but haven’t received feedback yet. Can you help with more details on any additional Mattermost log errors or Console errors?

Hi @amy.blais,
I don’t know what fixed the error, maybe a restart did the job… Anyway, we can open the direct/personal message room now & don’t see the error in the log anymore.

Many thanks for your support!
