For feature requests, please see:
For troubleshooting questions, please post in the following format:
Attempted to upgrade from 5.39.0 to 6.0.4. Upgrade was unsuccessful, attempted to revert back to saved version. Mattermost runs but messages cannot be sent/received.
Steps to reproduce
Attempt upgrade through upgrade documentation.
Expected behavior
Expected to upgrade to 6.0.4
Observed behavior
Server is running it, unable to send/receive messages.
root@chat:~# whereis mattermost
mattermost: /opt/mattermost-old/bin/mattermost /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost /opt/test/bin/mattermost /opt/mattermost-back-2021-04-09/bin/mattermost /opt/mattermost-back-2021-10-14-19-22/bin/mattermost /opt/mattermost-back-2023-01-23-20-53/bin/mattermost /opt/mattermost-back-2023-02-17-13-22/bin/mattermost