For feature requests, please see:
For troubleshooting questions, please post in the following format:
attempted to upgrade from 4.1 to 4.5 but log still states running 4.1
Steps to reproduce
follow download instructions
Expected behavior
the log file should no longer reference 4.1
Observed behavior
here is the log…
[2018/01/05 12:01:52 EST] [INFO] Loaded system translations for ‘en’ from ‘/opt/mattermost-4.5.0/i18n/en.json’
[2018/01/05 12:01:52 EST] [INFO] Current version is 4.1.0 (4.1.0/Tue Aug 15 22:11:43 UTC 2017/0033e3e37b12cb5d951d21492500d66a6abc472b/bfbfc8b3cda63993999769bf317d88a0a57c9e97)
[2018/01/05 12:01:52 EST] [INFO] Enterprise Enabled: true
[2018/01/05 12:01:52 EST] [INFO] Current working directory is /opt/mattermost-4.5.0
[2018/01/05 12:01:52 EST] [INFO] Loaded config file from onfig=/opt/mattermost-4.5.0/config/config.json