Good morning,
Thank you so much for all your time and effort. I did finally upgrade to a LTS. Concretely to 4.10 but the problem was still not resolved. I was hitting the same error. I got all working now and now I have some time I’m trying to write here some statements for setting all this apropiately.
First I would recommend using a stable or updated version. Concretely I went to 4.10. Was in 4.1 (answering to your question Amy). ALthough I’d say it would have worked too in 4.1 by the nature of the problems.
I have Mattermost running behind Nginx although Janus is accesed directly. I suppose that if you set a correct config in Nginx (setting properly to proxy websockets, which is totally sure possible, in fact I do for Mattermost) should work but you should set in the proxy in /etc/hosts (talking all the time about a Linux setup) the real ip of the Janus machine. This just, if you make Janus be accesed through Nginx (and as said I pretty surely suppose, because I don’t have Janus through Nginx, only Mattermost).
You can use different URL for calling Janus and Mattermost (as said note I don’t Janus behind the proxy, only Mattermost). You CAN’T or at least I haven’t get it to work, to use https for Mattermost and ws (plain websockets) for Janus. Same for wss (secure websockets for Janus and plain for Mattermost). So I have all setup with TLS.
It’s totally essential for avoiding problems with “hopeless” users to use if you go with TLS/SSL to use a valid and signed certificate. Be sure too to include all the certification chain in the public key. Basically copy to Janus the files the same way as you give to Nginx (if you use it). It’s essential not to be having trust issues with your certificate because it’s not clear (and not a clear error, unless you go to web debug console) for a plain user to know that all he/she must do is to define an exception for the certificate.
I’m using Janus at a container (the recommended way of Mattermost) and have the recommended config for Nginx to interact with Mattermost (the one proposed at Mattermost site).
If you mates keep in mind I can surely say now
it will work :).
I wanted to thank to Amy and those other Mattermost staff which have been trying their best for trying to solve all this. Wanted too to apology because I have needed some times to answer and comment all this, but they are being a very busy days (in fact I’m writting all this in Saturday ).
In short, just wanted to share with all you mates my debugging results for trying to make simplier for you to setup all this nice piece of software.
Long Live to Mattermost