Booted from iOS App immediately after logging in (Mattermost deployed on Jelastic)

After logging in to iOS app downloaded from App Store, get booted back to login page immediately after logging in. Doesn’t seem like a credentials issue as I can login fine through web app and I do seem to get to the Town Square page quickly before getting booted. Had setup MM team site through jelastic.

Anyone else experiencing?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Created site through Mattermost web app courtesy of jelastic
  2. Downloaded MM app from Apple app store
  3. Opened app and entered in team site URL
  4. Logged in
  5. Am directed to Town Square for a fraction of a second and then thrown back to login page

Thanks @mls5181 for the report, we don’t have a Jelastic deployment handy, is anyone else in the community using Jelastic seeing this?

Yes, all users are unable to utilize the iOS app with the same issue described above

Hi @mishimi, commenting on this again in case anyone in the community and repro with Jelastic, we’re not able to.

Also, you might consider adding a comment to this blog post on installing Mattermost with Jelastic