How can I reply a message in the thread?

Good day! I’m investigating the features/abilities of Mattermost and I can not find how can I reply to the message within the thread. I can not see such button if I tap the message in the thread. I suppose to be able to create a new thread (replying the message) or have some visible elements, which will show my message is a reply to the some specific message in the thread.
Maybe I missed something?
And one more question: can I quote a message (or it’s part) in the thread while replying?

Thank you.

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Mouse over the thread in question. A box will pop up at its upper-left corner like:

Screenshot from 2024-12-24_10-36-00

The arrow next to the three dots is reply.

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There is no such arrow for reply for the message in the thread. Here is the link to the message:Mattermost
And here is the screenshot:

Interesting. I don’t have admin on our community instance so I can’t look into that there. I suspect it’s a permissions issue. Have you tried in Town Square or Off Topic? Open a direct message to me (I’m john.oliver there) and I’ll see if I can invite you in to a specific channel.

The same thing with Off Topic channel. So, I don’t think it is a permissions issue:

Hey Sanders,
I think i understand what you’re looking for but I don’t think it’s possible. Threads are at a single depth, so you can’t thread within a thread. So in the case you showed, you have the option to reply in the thread, but you won’t see a button to create a thread for a specific comment already in that thread. This is because a message is a message, and you can create a thread from a message, but you can not create 2 threads from the same message, and one a comment is part of a thread, a second thread can’t be made from it.

I think the best you’d be able to do is copy text from the post you want to reply to, and then use the quote function to make it clear that it’s specifically what you were responding to. Then folks (or even you) could reply to that new standalone message as a thread should they choose.

TLDR, i don’t think it’s a permissions issue, just that nested threads don’t exist in Mattermost (this is the case for many chat apps).

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@gdelia-pm great catch! You’re right… no nested replies.

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It would be really helpful if there was a quote option. This is what most modern messaging apps seem to do when hitting reply.

@thomasvanderwoude you can suggest this at General: Hot (1203 ideas) – Mattermost Feature Proposal Forum I think it’s a great suggestion and will vote for it!

It is there already I see: Add quote reply in addition to collapsed threads – Mattermost Feature Proposal Forum

I added this suggestion:

Maybe it would be better to replace ‘Reply’ with ‘Begin Thread’ and use ‘Reply’ for a quotation option, as modern messaging apps seem to do.

ok i get it now
Threads are at a single depth, so you can’t thread within a thread.