I want to disable Threads, because I find them cumbersome.
Steps to reproduce
Use the browser to access MM (as opposed to the desktop/mobile app). Have someone reply to something you wrote (by hitting Reply, as opposed to just writing something in a new line). Stay in the channel where you were, and try to actually read the reply, without at least one more mouse click. FAIL.
Expected behavior
I expect to see the reply immediately, without an additional one or even two (if you prefer having the actual content you are interested in not squeezed into a slim frame at the far right edge of my monitor) mouse clicks, just like I could in MM 7.x and earlier.
Observed behavior
If someone uses Reply, the actual reply is not immediately visible. I have to click on another GUI element to be able to read the reply, which is then presented in the (very slim) right sidebar at the edge of my monitor. Even if I click Expand sidebar (or hit Ctrl+Shift+.
), the sidebar still only gets extended to the middle of my monitor. So, half of the available screen real estate is effectively wasted.
Messages and replies are the central component of any chat system. Why do they get exiled (at least partially) to the sidebar? What’s the reasoning behind keeping only the initial message in the central view, and moving replies to the sidebar? More often than not, replies tend to be much longer than the inital message.
Examples: Q. Can someone explain the Theory of relativity?, Q. How do Quantum physics actually work?, Q. What’s this newfangled “AI” thing that everybody is talking about?, and so on (okay, so these are “slightly” exaggerated examples, but you get my point). So you keep one small sentence in the (visually) large central area, and then force-cram potentially multiple pages of text (in case someone decides to copy/paste a whole Wikipedia page instead of just posting a link
) into a much smaller area of the screen. That seems a bit counter-intuitive to me, no?
So, my actual question is: how can I disable (or toggle on/off on demand) MM’s threading feature, so I can read replies immediately without having to jump through additional hoops? I didn’t find anything in
or in the online docs.