Mattermost Version: 10.2.3: how to always display any messages on any threads in sequence in the channel pane those threads is part of?

Our server server was recently updated (last week), so I’m not sure this is a server side configuration

Before the upgrade I used to see every new message and follow up replies on the main channel pane, interleaved in the sequence in which those messages (new messages or replies) were posted.

After the update I only see the very first message on each thread for that channel. If there are any follow up replies within a thread I no longer see it on the main pane. I only get a hint on the “replies icon” (highlighted text), and only if I toggled “Follow” for that thread. Then I have to go into the thread to see the new messages (on the right pane)

This is looking a lot like Slack now, which I don’t like very much, hence my initial choice of Mattermost, exactly because of that distinction.

Is there any configuration change that can be applied, either at the user level or the server level, so that I can restore my previous display experience?


Hi Jaime! Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like the recent update enabled the new thread view behavior, which separates thread replies from the main channel pane. To revert to the previous experience, you can disable “Collapsible Threads” in your Account Settings > Display > Collapsible Threads . For more details on thread settings, you can check out the Thread View documentation: Let us know how it goes! :blush:

Ok John, I got it, by toggling threads off (not exactly the link to the instructions you gave me, since it doesn’t exist on the mattermost docs). There are no references for collapsible threads anywhere on the docs or on my preference or settings.

Hi Jaime! Thanks for the follow-up and for pointing that out. I’m glad you were able to resolve the issue by toggling threads off. I’ll make sure to pass along the feedback about the documentation to improve clarity. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out anytime!