Mattermost Stuck on White Screen After Launch Any Fixes?

Hi everyone,

I recently started experiencing a white screen issue when launching the Mattermost desktop app. The app opens, but instead of loading the interface, it just stays on a blank white screen.

I have tried reinstalling the app, clearing the cache, and even running it in compatibility mode, but nothing seems to work.

Interestingly, the web version of Mattermost works fine, so this seems to be specific to the desktop client.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Could this be related to a recent update or a conflict with system settings? Any help or troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

What version of the server and client are you running? Make sure you’re using appropriately matched versions. Desktop releases - Mattermost documentation

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Had the same issue on my M2 MacBook Air, white screen after login, but web and mobile worked fine. I think it’s an issue with the 5.11.0 (M1) version. Downgraded to 5.10.2 (M1) from GitHub and everything works again. Not sure if it also affects other operating systems. Try and see if that works for you.

There have been a few reports of issues with 5.11 The developers are investigating.