Mattermost vs Slack

Really struggling with Slack when using it for Long form discussion. Came across this great article And as a result we are going to download Mattermost on our AWS and give it a go

At present we are cobbling it together by using slack and if we want a proper threaded discussion we pop over to Google Groups.

This discussion software seems to be head and shoulders above Google Groups (I started using it back in 2010 and it looks as if Google have spent zero on it!

Would appreciate some comments from the community about our experiences

Many thanks

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Hi Andy - looks good :slight_smile:

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Just going to try tagging @JamesS to see what happens your end (tagging not supported in GoogleGroups) PS like the side box that pops up

Yes @AndyWhite247 - I enabled notifications, got the pop-up. Nice

Just enabled notification and got a pop up on the Mac. I wonder if it would also work on mobile? Just downloaded the Discourse App and will have a play

Is this a private reply?

feel iā€™m missing outā€¦isnt that what we are trying to achieveā€¦a phobia ?

not sure what you mean Mark??

I think you might be confused between Mattermost & Discourse here. The software you are reading this on right now is called Discourse.

Mattermost is closer in functionality to Slack.

Discourse is closer in functionality to Google Groups (but like 10000x more awesome)

But hey, why pick one when you can use both and integrate them together :wink:


Many thanks @davidtaylorhq, not sure if this is a reply just to you our a reply to the whole forum? Your post ref Discourse intergration with Mattermost looks incredibly timely. Understand the difference between Mattermost and Discourse. We are just riffing over here while our Top Tech gets it loaded onto our AWS :slight_smile: We will now load your plug-in as well!

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That was a reply to the topic, so everyone can see it. If you want to send someone a private message, youā€™d click their avatar and then click the ā€œmessageā€ button :slight_smile:


Got it, many thanks. So you can then use the quote function to provide a tad more context

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