MS Outlook Add-In for Mattermost

Hi folks,

I and some working colleagues have been developing a small Add-In for Microsoft Outlook so that emails can be forwarded to mattermost channels. In our company this is particularly helpful since not all teams use mattermost and external customers rely heavily on email communication.

We welcome any feedback, contributions or suggestions :slight_smile:


Thanks @mumak!

This looks wonderful! Would you be open to sharing more about your work so we can promote it to the community?

Also, if you have any screenshots to share that would help the community team create a nice graphic. It’s really easy, from most browsers you can copy and paste images directly into this forum from your clipboard.

Hi it33,

thanks for your reply. I just added this screenshot to our repo (and referenced it in the global readme):

I also filled out the form as you suggested :slight_smile:


Fantastic, thanks Markus! Will share this in Twitter, on our website and in our next release announce May 16, great work!


I would like to know more about this set up. My organization is seeking to input this into our enterprise. Can you give my guidelines so that I can start the process?

I see that the conversation is forward to the channel. Is there a possibility that an email can go directly to a direct message? Something similar to creating rules for inbox folder…!!!

Thank you