Search Modifiers Not Working [Resolved]


Search Modifiers Before, After, On, Exclusions do not work

Steps to reproduce

Web Version: 4.2.0, Database: postgres
Client version is 4.5.2 on Windows, Mac.
I don’t know what server version is used. Is that the Web version?

Enter a search like “lunch before:2020-07-20” and no results even though the term “lunch” appears in search before that date.

Expected behavior

Search Modifiers behave as defined in documentation.

Observed behavior

enter before:, after:, or on: and no date picker shows up and will get no results found.

You can find your server version from Main Menu > About Mattermost.
We currently support versions v5.19+.

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Marking as resolved. I am currently running an old version of MatterMost and I assume these search features are only functional in the newer version.