[SOLVED] Mattermost Monday: Not-for-Profit License questions

About Mattermost Monday: Not-for-Profit License questions, Subscription overview — Mattermost documentation

  1. What would be the cost for an organization with 2500 members?
  2. Is it possible to run a modified version of Mattermost Team Edition? Do we have access to the code to modify it?


We also would like to know what is the price once we keep growing ( 3500, 4500, etc ) and if there is an upper limit for the not-for-profit license. Thanks.

Hi @matias_nomad,

It’s $50/year flat rate for up to 1000 users. For more than 1000 users, can I have your help in submitting a request to the form for Mattermost Monday?

You are welcome to use the open source Mattermost Team Edition and its extensive API library to build your own solution.

If you’d like to create an open source derivative version of Mattermost using the /platform source code to support your use case please see here.
