Team Edition - Max number of users supported on typical Team Edition deployment


Just wanted to ask something that seems to be a little ambiguous in the docs.

We are looking to deploy Team Edition of Mattermost within our organization of 3000+ users.

A few questions:

  1. Can team edition support 3000+ users based on data usage numbers for typical MM deployments?

  2. In the docs (Redirect), is info provided under heading of ‘hardware requirements > Hardware Sizing for Enterprise Deployments (Multi-Server)’ applicable to team edition deployments or only to deployments of E10 or E20? Seemed a little ambiguous so thought I would confirm.

  3. On team edition, is Mattermost usable if one specific team is close to 300-400 users instead of the typical 10-100 that is the default.

Would really love to have some guidance around these questions.

I will share my experience.

In the installation we have 5 teams.

Altogether there are 25,091 users on all servers.

The largest team and channel have 14 050 users.

Mattermost 3.8 , Debian 8, Postgres 9.6 DB and server application on one VM. RAM 4GB CPU 12 (just reinsured with so many, really so much is not needed)

In the channels it is limited to the notification about the dialing by the user of the message, it was considered that this would create a load since you need to inform all users of the channel, left only for channels with a membership of no more than 15 users.

Problems with any performance were not noticed. An average of 1,500 messages are received on a working day. (few, but these are real numbers). There are about 400 active users.

Hey, thanks for the response.

Can you please confirm that I am understanding this right.

You have:

5 Mattermost team edition servers

Total users over 5 servers = 25,091

The largest team and channel users = 14,050

Average messages received = 1,500 messages (over 5 servers or 1?)

Active users = 400 (over 5 servers or 1?)

In the channels it is limited to the notification about the dialing by the user of the message, it was considered that this would create a load since you need to inform all users of the channel, left only for channels with a membership of no more than 15 users.

Can you please elaborate how you have only left notifications on for only channels with less than 15 users?

I apologize for the inaccuracy. I do not know much English.

We have 1 server in which there are 5 teams. The figures that I wrote relate to a single server on which there is also a database. Also, note that we are talking about Matterness 3.8, but the performance on the idea on the current version should be higher (we just can not for some reason yet go to the cst version)

Regarding> 1 server, in TE it is not possible, it does not support a cluster, there is somewhere on the forum where there is even a topic on this topic and probably on the github there is more on this topic.the similarity of the cluster can be done, but it will just be a few servers that will be unified through the balancer, but this can not be called a cluster.

Can you please elaborate how you have only left notifications on for only channels with less than 15 users?

Hi @alimirza_nva, @danilvoe - Following up on this, let me know if you need further assistance with this and I will ask one of our engineers to take a look soon.

Thanks for checking in, @amy.blais.

It would be very helpful if we could have some insights from your engineers about what the max. number of registered/active users is that team addition can support without significant performance or stability issues.

Really appreciate your assistance on this.

I recommend using the latest version (v4.9) which includes multiple performance related improvements.

@jasonblais can you confirm if there is a maximum number of users that team edition can support?

@alimirza_nva Has documentation on recommended hardware sizes:

Let me know if that’s helpful?