Atlassian Confluence plugin for Mattermost


Mattermost is using a slack compatible interface. I tried to install the following plugin Slack for Confluence Pro in Confluence and configured a the incoming web-hook of Mattermost.

The good news is that it is working out of the box and I can see Confluence changes now in Mattermost. :wink:

The pre-configure Notification format is configured by default for Slack and it is not rendered correctly in the my Mattermost channel:

    "fallback": "${spaceTitle} - ${pageTitle} ${action} by ${actionUserName}: ${pageUrl}",
    "pretext": "${action} in Space <${spaceUrl}|${spaceTitle}>",
    "title": "${pageTitle}",
    "title_link": "${pageUrl}",
    "text": "${versionComment}",
    "color": "#205081",
    "fields": [
        "title": "By",
        "value": "${actionUserLink}",
        "short": true
        "title": "Created by",
        "value": "${creatorUserLink}",
        "short": true

How does the correct notification format look like for Mattermost. Can you point me to the corresponding documentation?

It turned out that tweaking the Notification format did the trick and now everything works as expected. Mattermost is great and now even more.

Thanks @mariocup!

Would you be open to sharing how the app was tweaked so others in the Mattermost community could use the same approach?

Hi @it33,

I performed different steps:

I changed the notification format to a more lightweight way which fits my needs and uses []() for links:

    "fallback": "${spaceTitle} - ${pageTitle} ${action} by ${actionUserName}: ${pageUrl}",
    "pretext": "${action} in Space [${spaceTitle}](${spaceUrl}) by [${actionUserName}](${actionUserLink})",
    "title": "${pageTitle}",
    "title_link": "${pageUrl}",
    "text": "${versionComment}",
    "color": "#205081"

In the plugin Slack for Confluence Pro you can configure a Bot Icon Url. To make it appear in the channel I had to enable โ€œEnable Overriding Icon from Webhooks:โ€ in the system console of Mattermost.

Update: Slack for Confluence by codefortynine GmbH now officially supports Mattermost.